The Fascinating History of Palazzo Passerini

Palazzo Passerini, constructed between 1493 and 1495, marks a significant period in Passerini’s life as his connections with the powerful Medici family flourished. Moving to Florence, he gained favour at the court of Lorenzo di Medici, becoming close to his son Giovanni. Over 30 years, Passerini’s influence and wealth grew until he returned to Cortona as Cardinal Passerini. The grateful citizens gifted him the Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo, renamed Palazzone Passerini, overlooking Piazza Nazionale. Though overshadowed by changes in the Renaissance by 1521, the original building is a testament to this rich history.

The History of Cortona

Cortona, a charming town in Tuscany, boasts a rich history from ancient times. Originally an Etruscan city in the 8th century BCE, Cortona became a significant Roman colony. Its strategic location made it a vital medieval stronghold. Over centuries, Cortona flourished under various rulers, including the Lombards and the Medici family. The town’s medieval walls, Renaissance architecture, and historic churches, such as the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and the Church of San Francesco, reflect its diverse heritage. Today, Cortona is celebrated for its cultural festivals, vibrant arts scene, and picturesque landscapes, attracting visitors from around the world.